Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Ghost Recon - game covers

A while back I did a lot of sketches pitching for the cover of the next Tom Clancy - Ghost Recon: Future Soldier game. It was one art director and me (with me doing all the sketches) competing against 4 studios that wanted the job. We ended up in the final round against one studio - but lost, as they had a perfect round presenting finished covers using photos of guys in rented gear with rented real weapons. Oh well, I gladly lose to somebody that better equipped. The cover that was finally picked was honestly very good.

But here I am showing a fragment of the many sketches I did for this. Most of them were not even presented but just for brainstorming concepts and ideas. I am glad to finally share some more of my work from Ubisoft.

Urban Warriors III

More of my ordinary people studies. This time the Fund Manager and School Girl. All the weapons on my urban warriors are based of real weapons (more or less). I'm saving the best character for last... be prepared.